Sexual Abuse
The Official Journal of the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse
Read a note from the Editor about the recent journal name change.
Jill Stinson Ph.D.
East Tennessee State University, Tennessee, United States
Interim Managing Editor:
Aniss Benelmouffok
ATSA, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon, United States
Table of Contents
To view the journal table of contents and download a free sample copy of the ATSA journal, visit the SAGE website.
An invitation to contribute
The editorial board welcomes the opportunity to review your original manuscript on any subject contributing to the advancement of sexual abuse research and education. For instructions on contributing, please visit our submit a manuscript page.
Definitive information
Sexual Abuse provides a forum for the latest original research and scholarly reviews on both clinical and theoretical aspects of sexual abuse. Unlike other publications that present a mix of articles on sexual abuse and human sexuality in general, Sexual Abuse is the only one to focus exclusively on articles related to sexual offending, thoroughly investigating its causes, consequences and treatment strategies. The in-depth studies provide essential data for those working in both clinical and academic environments, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and therapists/counselors, as well as corrections officers and allied professionals.
Comprehensive coverage
This respected quarterly, formerly Annals of Sex Research, presents contemporary studies encompassing the assessment and treatment of the sexual offender and the effects of sexual abuse on victims and families. The peer-reviewed contributions foster a better understanding of all aspects of sexual abuse and advance the scientific framework that will guide professionals in addressing salient clinical and theoretical issues. Announcements of upcoming trainings, Point/Counter Point articles and Letters to the Editor round out the journal’s extensive coverage of the field.
Expert editorial direction
An expanded editorial board ensures the rapid publication of all submitted articles, including more studies presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse. These eminent clinicians from a variety of disciplines represent different medical and mental health institutions, universities, and private organizations in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand.
Please address all contributions, queries, and comments to:
Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse
9450 SW Gemeni Drive, PMB 24121
Beaverton, Oregon U.S.A. 97008
Phone: (503) 643-1023
Fax: (503) 643-5084
E-mail: office@atsa.com
Subscription Information
Subscription: (8 issues)
Individual Rate in USA:
USD $139.00 (print only)
Institutional Rates:
USD $826.00 (print only)
USD $843.00 (print plus online)
USD $759.00 (online only)
ISSN: 1079-0632
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